About Me

United States
We are a proud American family with our two kids and 11-year-old cat.

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Rolling, Rolling, Rolling...

Keep that baby rolling...or not.

I do believe I mentioned in a prior post that Zach has rolled over before, from his tummy to his back. I assumed it was a fluke, and still think so...but he did it again today. THREE TIMES! It is truly a hilarious story though because just as many incredible things cannot be proven, this is the case today.

Clara Grace was in the bathtub, making the noise I require her to make so that I am sure she isn't drowning, while I put down Zach on his tummy on the lovely blanket my good friend Christine made as I folded a basket of laundry. It didn't take long before he just rooooolled right over onto his back. That was not in my plan of tummy time, so after cheering as only a mommy would do to her five-week-old baby I put him back on his tummy and continued to fold the clothes. He did it again. I'm still thinking it is just a fluke but excited anyway, put him back on his tummy. He did it AGAIN! This time I got really excited. I grabbed my cell phone that was nearby and put him back on his tummy and begin filming. Definitely excited and encouraging him. I mean, he already did it THREE TIMES IN A ROW!

You know what he did after I started recording. He cried. And cried. Until I felt just plain guilty and flipped him over.

I promise I'm going to manage to record it soon though. He is quite the "mover" and is all over the crib. I think he has rolled over from his tummy to his back five times now. I know it isn't intentionaly, he is just so squirmy and always rolls from his back to his side to sleep, so not that much further while wide awake can have him completely rolled over.

Just thought I would share. I would share the video but it is just too embarrassing to hear me encouraging him to roll as he fusses. I'm sure he was more than annoyed to have been repeatedly rolled back over as he worked so hard to get into the position he wanted to be in.



LOL, you can hear the fussing in my first rolling video too. WTG, he's a strong and determined little man!


I bet it was so cute even with fussing! He's going to be huge by the next time I see him!


Wow, go Z go!!!