About Me

United States
We are a proud American family with our two kids and 11-year-old cat.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Release Date!

Just a quick update. Many of you have been asking when we will be leaving New England and I can now provide a date. Charles saw the CO and the SgtMaj both this morning, at the same time, and was told that he will be released from this command August 16th! So, I'm sure we'll be heading south as soon as he has checked out and our stuff has shipped!

We also now have a sponsor in Iwakuni. He is waiting for our clearance form and will then get us a post office box as well as get us on the waiting list for housing. It is starting to all come together!



Wow, how exciting!


Tiffany, I am so glad things are finally getting done and you all have a date. I am sorry though that you are going to Japan- Blake and CG would have had a blast here in the Carolinas:) But what a wonderful adventure Japan will be for the entire family and your DH will get back to what he loves doing.

Oh and I think Lynn has discovered that you will be up when we are having our 1am chats w/ Tanya:)




Happy for you guys but I'll miss our outings as will Courtney and Ryan!