About Me

United States
We are a proud American family with our two kids and 11-year-old cat.

Friday, April 24, 2009

All Clear!

And I mean that in more than one way. Clara Grace and Zach are both cleared medically to go to Japan AND the sky is clear! Today it is supposed to be 61 and sunny, but I think it will be even warmer. Clara Grace and I are wearing capri pants and will definitely be getting out to enjoy the wonderful weather. It get even better though! Tomorrow up to 65, Sunday 74 and a few more days still in the 70's. I hope this holds and we get a nice warm spring!

However, to continue with the update, both kids had a doctor appointment this morning. All went well but I missed Clara Grace's stats. She'll have her five-year-old wellness appointment in a couple of months though. Zach topped the scales at a whopping 8 lb, 8.5 oz. If you recall he was at 7 lb 14.5 oz eight days ago. So basically in four weeks he now weighs 1 lb, 5 oz more than when he was born.

Between appointments we went to Dunkin' Donuts and then the grocery store. I snapped a few pictures of Clara Grace and Zach while we chilled at DD and thought I would share. She wanted to feed Zach a little so I snapped a pic of that sweet scene and then as we were packing up she decided to show off a ballet move or two or perhaps she was just burning off some of that high from her double chocolate donut.
What a sweet big sister!
I couldn't resist snapping a pic at those feet!
Or the rest of the body! Here he is at exactly four weeks old.
And here she is putting on her show!