About Me

United States
We are a proud American family with our two kids and 11-year-old cat.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Back to Blogging!

Ok. It is time we started settling into a somewhat predictable routine so I'm going to set a goal of more frequent blogging WITH pictures of the kids. Hold me to it. Let me know when I'm slacking as accountability will only help me meet my goal.

Just to give a quick update, we are doing well. Last night was a bit rough, but I survived and have had my daily dose of caffiene and about to take a shower which helps a LOT. This week we have plenty of appointments to make and must really get the ball rolling to get our clearance to go to Japan. Z is approaching two weeks of age which is when we can start all that but until then CG and I both have a routine dental appointment this week along with her extra-curricular activities and Blaze needs to have an appointment for Saturday. I don't think Charlie has to work this Saturday so he can handle that one. Oh, and Z has a weight check on Tuesday. I think the pedi will be pleased!

Also, Easter is coming. We must do some planning! I'm so glad I bought CG's dress a while back but she does need shoes and tights.

Well, just thought I would touch base. I promise to post some pictures today. Until then...



I know you said you would post the pictures today but I assumed it would have been earlier. So, I will assume that you are busy lol!!!

Anyways- just holding you to your blog promise:)



You are amazing!!! I know by the time Tucker was 2 weeks I was having a mental breakdown trying to do it all. Don't over do it!