About Me

United States
We are a proud American family with our two kids and 11-year-old cat.

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

You're Breaking My Heart...

Ok, the following story is ultimately my own fault and I am well aware of this. It still doesn't diminish the dramatic impact on us all.

A little background...once upon a time I had a clean home. Clara Grace would pick up the toy(s) she was playing with before pulling out something else. It was nice. I was on top of things, making sure everything was tidy.

Then I became a slacker. Lately, CG's toys have been oozing all over the house. She leaves little items in our bedroom, in the dining room, in the living room, in her bathroom, and any little nook or cranny she can stash something. She is "never" finished playing with anything. We've done some rather thorough cleaning and organizing in her room recently but it still didn't cause my child to keep a clean room. (Please keep in mind that I do give her instructions, etc and that I'm not just expecting my 4-year-old to keep it all clean.)

Soooo, the ultimatum was issued. She was told that any items left out would be boxed up and only returned as she began following directions about cleaning her room. This evening she was given plenty of time to put her toys away. After I finished washing the dishes and getting her ready for bed, we began our journey (if Chuck is home he is required to give her a ride on his back up to her room) upstairs. The clutter blocking the entrance was the first clue that she had completely disregarded my earlier instructions.

I went back downstairs, returned with a shopping bag and began picking up all toys left on the floor. Oh my word! She began sobbing and screaming. At one point she said, "You're breaking my heart!" It was pitiful. And well, heartbreaking. However, I should have done it long ago. She was required to explain why it happened and the plan for the toys to be returned. Some might say it was harsh or that I should stand over her while she cleans, but the child knew better and assumed she would continue to get away with not being tidy. Trust me, she had the opportunity and guidance needed to get the job done.

Hopefully it made a big enough impact that we do not create such an ugly scene again (or at least any time soon or over the same issue). Believe it or not, it was probably a five minute ordeal and she was totally happy as we tucked her in right after this happened...but geez! I'm also going to have to make sure I'm enforcing all of the rules at all times. I knew better.

All in all, I guess I'm saying that my resolution for the new year is to get back to the organization I once had in place. It will certainly be needed as we prepare for yet another child to join in the fun at the Hollowell home!



Same issues at our house. I got lazy when I was pregnant and it all went downhill. Slowly returning to normal but it's way more of a battle than it ever used to be. You are a good mama. It just hurts sometimes to do the right thing.


I'm hoping I don't have that issue. I'm usually a horrible housekeeper, but since Thanksgiving, I have had a spick and span space. I think it's my nesting kicking in. I just hope I stay this way because It's nice to not come home to a mess.