About Me

United States
We are a proud American family with our two kids and 11-year-old cat.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Another fun day...

Today was passed in a fairly pleasant manner. Clara Grace's preschool offered a story time during the Christmas break which I signed CG up to attend. They listened to stories, made a stocking for Jesus, had a snack and sang songs. She was there for an hour and they were singing Jingle Bells when I arrived to pick her up.

This video does not do CG justice as she was really animated when I walked in and was into her singing. After I took the picture above I tried to capture it on video but it was already pretty much over. As you can see she could barely contain herself.

After I picked her up, we ran some errands and did some chores at home. Then we decided to go outside for a little exercise. It is difficult to tell in the picture, but Jackson is pulling the sled. I attached the rope to his harness. I sort of felt like the Grinch when he put antlers on his dog and had him pull the sled, but Jackson and CG seemed to enjoy it.
Here, CG is sliding down the hill to check out the playground.