About Me

United States
We are a proud American family with our two kids and 11-year-old cat.

Friday, January 16, 2009

Policy Reminder

Some of you may be aware that I have a strict policy of "No Kids Sleeping in Mommy and Daddy's Bed". What you might not be aware of is why this policy exists. For that matter, I seemed to have forgotten, yet had my reminder this morning.

For a bit of background, we have tried to let the little turkey sleep with us before. It didn't work even as an infant as we hoped to just get a few extra minutes of sleep. Nope. For some reason, our bed = playtime. It isn't that I don't want to share, or begrudge my child comfort.

Anyway, my reminder this morning began shortly after 4am when I awoke to screams of "MOMMY!" Groggily I stumbled into CG's bedroom to find a very distraught child screaming that something was in her bed. I finally figure out that she thought she spotted a spider in her bed. I knew I didn't have the available eyesight at that time to go searching for a spider...imaginary or not so enlisted the spouse for the mission while I took her into the nursery to rock her (ok, I just wanted to sit down and close my own eyes too) while he looked. He found nothing and went back to bed so I climbed in with her since she was none too eager to get back in (that is putting it mildly since she was clinging to me like a monkey). After several minutes she seemed like she was about to go to sleep. I left. She told me goodnight. I climbed into my own bed hoping for a few minutes of slumber before the alarm went off.


It wasn't long before I heard the pitter patter of little feet, a door opening, followed by my own door opening and a little form standing by my side. Fine. I'm not an ogre. Climb in. Whatever allows us those last few minutes of sleep. I SHOULD have remembered all the times in the past four years we have tried this. Sleep did not come to either adult as the little one flopped about, was interested in the cat, and on and on and on. She stayed quiet, but would not stay still for long. When we finally got up, it was like she had consumed five cups of coffee. WOUND UP!

Usually I have been up for a while before she is, but I have to admit it is difficult to be so sleepy while watching the animation of a four-year-old emcee an imaginary fashion show starring the black dog with a red collar named "Skittles". And then she created an obstacle course. You get the idea. By the way, I have no idea where she learned the skills of an emcee but she did a nice job.

I knew I would see humor in the situation once fortified with a cup of coffee. My remedial course hit home. She will be marched right back to her own room next time!



LOL, that is too funny.

We had the "no bed' policy with Tyler, because he was JUST like Clara Grace is. Baby #2 broke that policy completely.