About Me

United States
We are a proud American family with our two kids and 11-year-old cat.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Sunday Stroll

Sunday afternoon we took a family stroll to a neighborhood playground while Clara Grace demonstrated her improved skills on the bicycle. In fact, I was a bit humored by Chuck's high stress level as he watched her zip down the sidewalk. CG surprised us by mainly sticking to these bars, swinging and doing various other "tricks". For the past 18 months she hasn't shown any interest in doing such things. Oh, I couldn't manage to capture it, but Jackson actually went up and down the slide and one point. What a goofy pup!

She really got some height while swinging like this. We were most impressed!

I'm not exactly sure what this move would be called, but I liked it!

She really put some wear on this poor seal!