About Me

United States
We are a proud American family with our two kids and 11-year-old cat.

Monday, October 27, 2008

18.5 weeks down...21.5 to go

While talking to some, it has been suggested that I post pictures periodically to show you my progress in expanding. I must admit that I look much smaller in these picture compared to the reflection in the mirror. That being said, it must be obvious. While I was buckling Clara Grace in her carseat this morning she asked me how much I weigh. My response was "a lot". (Who needs their 4-year-old announcing such details in the middle of the grocery store later on). She then asked if I would go back to my normal size once the baby was out of my stomach.

Isn't Clara Grace such a sweet girl? Look at that face!
This certainly wasn't the case, but I find myself slightly humored by looking at CG's arm span. It is almost as if she is hinting that "My mommy is going to get thiiiiissss big!"