About Me

United States
We are a proud American family with our two kids and 11-year-old cat.

Friday, October 17, 2008

My 3rd Dr. Appointment

At this point, appointments are rather routine so there is very little to report. I have gained two pounds this month, for a total of four so far and am definitely growing rounder. We were able to listen to the baby's heartbeat. Since nothing was said about my blood pressure, I'm assuming it was great as usual.

They will be setting up my "big" ultrasound to be between weeks 18-20 so sometime very soon. I'll let you know when they get back to me. As many of you know, if the baby is cooperative we will definitely be finding out the gender.

If I remember correctly, my next appointment is November 14 (four weeks from today).

There isn't much else to report so I'm off.