About Me

United States
We are a proud American family with our two kids and 11-year-old cat.

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Random thoughts...

Initially, I started electronically documenting random events to share with Charlie when he was in Iraq while Clara was an infant.  Then its primary purpose was to provide an easy way for family and friends to see her growth.  And then I discovered that I could have it printed in the form of a memory book, so now I suppose it is sort of a diary that I don't mind sharing.  I point this out to explain why I'm about to ramble about my kids...just little tidbits I might enjoy reflecting on in my golden years.

Zach turns four this week.  He is such a neat little guy.  He is one that would be described as "all boy", very rough and tumble, loves building and demolition equally, and possesses a standard volume slightly above what is truly necessary.  This one is going to be the one that will embarrass me in public one day with uncomfortable, loud questions.  Clara has made a mistake, because she has revealed how to push her buttons, and Zach often enjoys doing just that.  However, he is also super sweet and makes sure to get and give hugs and kisses anytime one of us leaves the house.  Sometimes he just requests them because he needs them.  I cherish these moments because he is such an independent one.  His antics are often hilarious.  He includes some sweet things he is thankful for in his prayers.

Clara is rapidly approaching nine.  She has also become quite obsessed with the character Harry Potter. Currently she is reading the third book.  The rest of each day is spent in character, usually as Ginny, and yes, she does this with her best British accent.  This means that each day I am often Professor McGonagall.  I don't do the accent, and I admit sometimes I help her plot line progress.  Yesterday I found a secret code and left a message on a wall for her to decode.  She is working to create a chapter of the fan club with her and her buddies here too.  Naturally, her birthday will likely bring some cool HP merchandise.  She has visions of a lovely fondant covered creation of a cake.  I'm likely to disappoint on this, but find myself thinking of giving it a try.  More thought is needed on the subject.  Clara is also a very tender soul, and growing into a sweet young lady.  She wants to be funny, but she is far funnier when she isn't trying to be.  Earlier this week we met friends again at the indoor playground.  At one point she came over to complain about one of the boys.  In a huff, she said, "Blank is mean.  He says something, and Blank and Blank are like his minions, they just do it!"  I could not laugh at the time, but I had myself a little chuckle in my head.  She is quite industrious, always creating something or finding a creative new use for items.   I've now picked up a couple of tutoring gigs and worked out a deal with her to be a mother's helper during those times so that I am not interrupted by Zach.  So now, she has earning potential each week.  Of course this means she is constantly scoping out HP items she can spend this money on, but we are encouraging her to save.

Additionally, both of them are honest.  I am doubtful my feelings are given a great deal of thought when doling out opinions.  As I am continuing to try new recipes, they give me an honest opinion.  Yesterday, I decided to try making my own loaf of whole wheat bread.  It wasn't difficult, but you know the knead & rise, knead & rise routine.  It finally was done baking, and yes, I was thinking of the little red hen even though I had threshed no wheat, etc...anyway, I made them peanut butter and jelly sandwiches using the bread.  Their verdict: they prefer the loaf from the store.  I have not yet given up, but might try another recipe.  I've never thought of bread as sweet, but the recipe I used made a point to say she doesn't like it, so perhaps if I had used more honey they would have liked it more.  Charlie and I both liked it.  Well, he said, "It tastes like wheat bread."  I can always count on him to give me a straight forward response.  So, my next effort will be to make amazing cinnamon rolls.  On that note, I'll conclude by providing a few pictures of my loaf of wheat bread.  Oh, and I have learned using an electric knife is the best way to cut it, so hopefully the next slices look a bit more...uniform.