About Me

United States
We are a proud American family with our two kids and 11-year-old cat.

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Another yummy recipe to share!

I recently came across chocolate-covered Katie's (CCK from here on out) recipe for healthy Girl Scout Tagalongs!  There is not a branch of GS out here, and due to my desire to not gorge myself on them, held myself back multiple times from purchasing boxes from friends in various locations with girls selling them.  It. Was. Hard.  So, when I saw this healthy recipe with much more waist-friendly nutritional data, I could not resist because that is the ultimate cookie in my book.  I pretty much see the whole box as a serving size.  

For some reason I looked at this recipe as time consuming, so put it off for several days.  Last Wednesday, I finally tackled it, and it was actually pretty easy!  I took a few pictures of the various stages.  Natural chunky peanut butter was used since I goofed on my last order thinking it was smooth. As it turns out, my kids have been fine with the chunky and I don't think it took away from the end result at all.  Anyway, the kids liked them and I did too, but I wasn't exactly wowed.  I did pack up some to share with my friend and her family when we got together later that day and she reported back that they loved them (and she is rather honest and objective with her reviews).  So, there you have it, another score for CCK!