About Me

United States
We are a proud American family with our two kids and 11-year-old cat.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Zach's First Haircut

I'd like to say that I have pictures of the actual event or even a sample of those curls. But I don't. Although I loved Zach's curls, it was time to cut them off. The big hint was when the cashier at the commissary asked about his gender while he was wearing something rather boyish. It was time. So, although Charlie was gone and I was nervous about choosing the cut, I was committed. The kids and I loaded up and searched for a lollipop because I was convinced it would make things better. After all, Clara Grace always got a dum dum pop for those special events so surely it would work for Zach. It was all planned out. I had the camera, stroller, and lollipop. We then went into the barber shop and the chaos began.

As soon as we stepped in, we were swept into a seat (Zach sat on my lap) and the stroller was taken away. I was trying to explain how I wanted his hair cut as we were each draped with covers. Clara Grace very wisely sat down in a chair behind us and stayed put for the duration. Japanese ladies came out of the woodwork trying to make Zach smile...talking rapidly in Japanese while squeaking toys at him. One lady practically put him in a head lock while the lady cutting his hair went to town. She was fast and undaunted by his screaming. I tried the lollipop but he just kept screaming while hair landed on it. Then, as soon as it was done the hair was swept away and we were sent on our way.

Although it was a crazy few minutes I think he looks adorable with the new cut. Here are a few pictures of it but it is a bit messed up and you can see he is eating. He looks so much older!