About Me

United States
We are a proud American family with our two kids and 11-year-old cat.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Back to Blogging!

I realize it has been quite some time since I've updated the blog. I'll be spending the next few days with a variety of posts with pictures and stories. It has been super busy over the past couple of months, hence the lack of posts. I'll do a very brief recap before the more detailed posts.

First, I taught summer school and although they were technically half days, it really kept me busy!

Clara Grace had her 6th birthday! I cannot believe she is already six years old and will begin the first grade in just a couple of weeks.

Charlie was sent to Yokosuka for the surgery to repair his completely torn ACL. He left July 19 and returned today, August 13 due to complications and the need for a second surgery. More on that later.

We joined Charlie for a week to help him with the second surgery. He had a medical attendant that is actually a friend he works with, but I had just finished teaching summer school so the kids and I took the Shin (Shinkansen aka "The Bullet Train") to join him. THAT was an adventure and I'll devote a whole post to just that experience. We returned this past Tuesday.

Zach got his first haircut! Yet another adventure.

Lots of other things happened, of course, and I have pictures and stories to share. Charlie had the laptop with him which is why I've not updated in so long. There is no way I'd attempt it on the tower. She is running on the slow side these days.

That is my summer in a nutshell. More coming very soon!