About Me

United States
We are a proud American family with our two kids and 11-year-old cat.

Monday, August 16, 2010

The Beach!

We celebrated the last day of summer school by taking a trip to the beach after work. It took us about 35-45 minutes to get there and I took plenty of pictures. Clara Grace had a blast and had been to this beach for a field trip with Camp Adventure so she was our tour guide. Zach enjoyed burying the sand toys, and tolerated the water for a brief time. He was happy in the sand but really didn't want anything to do with the water. If I remember correctly, this was July 23 which was the day after Charlie's first surgery which is why he wasn't with us. Here we are loaded and ready to roll!

Although I've heard people say they didn't really enjoy this beach, I thought it was really nice. This is the view as we left the parking lot.

going down the ramp...

the view looking toward the boardwalk from the beach


Clara Grace LOVED it!