About Me

United States
We are a proud American family with our two kids and 11-year-old cat.

Friday, October 28, 2011

Operation Big Boy Bed

We attempted the big boy bed a couple of weeks ago, but I wasn't prepared to put into what it turned out to require at that time. After another busy week and promising the crib to someone I decided it was time. We met friends for dinner and headed over to the library for story time, crafts and treats to make sure he was nice and tired. Clara has a friend spending the night, which I thought would make a nice distraction while I took down the crib so that I couldn't give up.

The distraction worked. I was able to take down the crib and move it into the hall without any issue and Zach was definitely nice and tired. He was very cooperative through story time and was even eager to turn out the light and complete our little rocking routine. He let me put him to bed, and out the door I went. To stand and wait. He did not disappoint. Boy is he one persistent little guy! I eventually decided to sit in the glider, but he just lay there without falling asleep. Finally I decided it was a bit silly of me to just be sitting there in the dark so started leaving again. This time it only took a few very firm returns to the bed. It has been several minutes and he hasn't gotten up again. I put the Angel Care sensor under the mattress so it would go off if he gets out of the bed. Before I go to bed I will put a gate at the door to the living area just in case so his only place to go is my bedroom.

Hopefully the night goes smoothly. I'll be having the girls go to bed here shortly.