About Me

United States
We are a proud American family with our two kids and 11-year-old cat.

Friday, March 20, 2009

I saw that on TV for $9.99!

This was just an adorable moment that I wish I had on video. Yesterday the spouse had a table at a career fair and came home with a couple of items for me that was handed out at a different table. Spray hand sanitizer and a book light. This tells you a lot about me in itself, but anyway, as we all sat down on the couch to watch Ariel's Beginning I thought I would use my nifty new book light to read some literature about what to expect after the birth.

I'm reading when all of a sudden I hear a little gasp followed by an excited, "You've got a book light! I saw that on TV! I saw that on TV for $9.99!" I explained that Dad brought it home for me and she went on to say, "That is so cool of Daddy to bring you a book light!!! That was so nice of you Daddy!"

It was just a priceless moment and her excitement was so genuine. She has become very interested in the products advertised in commercials. Unfortunately she thinks the Snuggy is one of the greatest things ever.

Anyway, I'm very thankful for my Robo Reader Book Light (that did not cost $9.99), a spouse that knows I like to read and live germ-free, and a little girl that shows such delight in even the minor things.



LOL, that is so cute. I seriously could picture having the conversation with Tyler. He loves those short infomercials especially. About a year ago all he could talk about was the pancake puff pan and space bags.


I am w/ Heather on this too. Blake was IN LOVE with the cake designing kit last year. He would stop all things and yell, "moooooommmmmyyyy, here come looooook!!!!!!" Too funny how our little ones are so excited about the infomercial deals. Oh and Blake thinks the Snuggy is awesome and wants one in HIS size. LOL