About Me

United States
We are a proud American family with our two kids and 11-year-old cat.

Friday, March 20, 2009

39 Week Dr. Appointment

Nothing overly exciting. I did not gain any weight since last week (yay!), blood pressure is still good and all that. My doctor said that she generally does not like to let people go too far beyond their due date. I am to go back next Friday (one day past my due date) if the baby hasn't arrived, but she will be on vacation the following week...so if I still haven't given birth she will induce me Tuesday, April 7, 2009.

I'm hoping to be able to announce a birth story well before April 7th though!



Sending you some labor vibes! I can't wait!


I wish we knew what we are working with???? Like fingertip dilated or 3 cm .....geez its going to be a loooong week. Is Christine going to update us.....if you go into labor are you going to text her or one of us so we can keep a tab on you LOL?????


~Brooke and Blake ~