Ok, Clara Grace currently wants to be a veterinarian. Which is great. Before this, she wanted to be a pilot. To be honest, she really sticks with the decision for quite a while since these are the only two careers she has wanted to persue as yet. However, she demonstrated a talent today that has me thinking I might suggest a new career option for her.
Voice Overs.
Yep. I think she could do REALLY well providing them with screams. I heard one today that I have yet to hear from her and hope it never is projected out of her mouth unless she is being paid for the effort.
This afternoon we were on the road when she freaked out about a spider on the rear window. Although she was concerned, she wasn't going nuts yet. I really couldn't do anything at the time but could see it was just a little spider. I tried lowering the window, but it produced no results. We were at a traffic light at the time, and then all of a sudden she let out a BLOOD CURDLING SCREAM. Anyone that has heard Clara Grace spaz, knows I'm pretty laid back about it, but this one really freaked me out. I thought something serious had to have happened to her. What warranted such a reaction from the wee one?
The spider had moved. By this time the light was green and I was able to swing into a parking lot. The spider had disappeared and Clara Grace had her legs as far away from the door as possible and was still freaked out.
It was a fun few minutes.
But, as there is always some sort of silver lining to each experience. I now have a suggestion to make when she one day asks what she should do for a living.