About Me

United States
We are a proud American family with our two kids and 11-year-old cat.

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Hitting the trail...

Now that Zach is riding on two wheels only, we decided to test his skills on the trail.  First we had a short stint on the sidewalk on which he did really well.  I rode between him and traffic but he did great. There was one wipe out when he was coming off the road onto the sidewalk, but after cleaning him up he was willing to keep going.  

 I was rather impressed with how well he handled himself.  This is a very active community so we were constantly having to tell him to stay in line with us.
 Once we hit the bike path we were really moving, and so were the rollerbladers.  He had to get off to push up a big hill but did great.  I will say that I got really nervous watching him go down the hill because no matter how often I told him to slow down he kept pedaling.  At one point his feet came off the pedals and he wobbled.  I thought for sure he was going to take a spill, but he recovered and didn't miss a beat.  I'd say we biked for roughly 4 miles and he did great.  He was beginning to tire as we neared home, but hung in there.



I'm so impressed! My kids suck at riding their bikes. Both still on training wheels. But that's partly my fault too b/c I don't take them often b/c Shelby whines the ENTIRE time. And she's 9!!! I just don't have the patience in the 100* temps here in TX.