About Me

United States
We are a proud American family with our two kids and 11-year-old cat.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Found it!

If you read the last post you know that we could not find the Rosetta Stone software. It was recovered today...by Zach. Ironically, it was found in the desk, exactly where it should have been. I looked and looked and looked, especially in the desk. Today Zach decided to pull everything out, and there it was. Hopefully I'll be able to report that Charlie and I are making gains in Japanese soon!

Other news...

Clara Grace started the first grade! She loves it and got the teacher we were hoping for. It has been a very long week for us, but a nice one. Charlie had to do the meet the teacher thing since I had my class meeting me. It is strange to not be there for moments like that. Clara Grace loves her teacher though and was bummed today was not a school day.

Zach has a viral eye infection. We tried to take care of him at home but took him in to the doctor today to find out it is indeed viral and it has to run its course. I feel so bad for him, but he is handling it well. I think it is harder for us to see the eyes running like that. While at the doctor he would be crying and they say, "Hi!" to the doctor. It was hysterical! He is picking up new words like crazy too.

Charlie is doing really well. He is getting a lot of phyisical therapy and if I am correct, he is now capable of bending his knee 80 degrees! Just a couple of weeks ago he could only do it 35 degrees.