About Me

United States
We are a proud American family with our two kids and 11-year-old cat.

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Heroes and Snow

Clara loves to dress up, and has been that way for a long time.  I never really thought much about boys and dress up, until I had a boy, that wanted to dress up. The difference being that Clara likes to be a princess or popstar while Zach wants to be a knight or hero, or even super hero.  Last year, I had a set of kiddie cammies made for each child during the month of the military child.  It was mainly for Clara, but I decided to do a set for Z as well.  It turned out to be a good move!  He likes to dress up like a Marine sometimes.  The other morning when we were getting him dressed he made the request, so here he is.  All he needs are chevrons and boot bands.

He then was watching Imagination Movers which had a super hero theme going so he hopped up and said, "I want to put on my superman t-shirt and cape!"  So we did.  And then his play shifted to the Bat Cave and assorted heroes.  

Now to the snow.  Ugh.  The snow is rapidly melting.  It is in the 30s so I know there is no need for alarm, but this started this afternoon and is in the forecast for tomorrow.  I'm so done with the snow.  I want to frolic in the sun WITHOUT snow gear.