About Me

United States
We are a proud American family with our two kids and 11-year-old cat.

Friday, August 3, 2012

Exploring Pirita

I have been really wanting to get out and enjoy all that Pirita has to offer in terms of biking.  There are so many trails.  We have walked them many times, but I felt that the kids were up to taking their bikes out for a spin instead of riding circles around the house.  As it turns out, today was very nice weather: around 70 and sunny.  The kids were game, so after fixing them lunch and tidying up the house we set out on our bikes with a few Euros in my pocket and my keys.

Zach handled the sidewalk quite well.  The trails were a bit difficult because at times his training wheels  completely lifted his back tire off the ground.  I decided we would just stay on the trails long enough to get us to Pirita tee and ride on the paved paths along the water.  Crossing the highway (these are great for pedestrians with crosswalks and lights) went very well.  The kids listened and executed the crossings quickly.  After riding a little, we came upon a small playground so we took a break and let the kids play.  I knew we were quite close to the beach so we took the trail everyone was taking toward the water and came upon Pirita Beach.  It was very nice.  We parked the bikes, took off our socks and shoes, and put our feet in the Baltic.  There was more playground equipment to enjoy here too.  We will definitely be back as you can walk pretty far out and still not be in up to your knees.  The waves are very gentle and perfect for small kids.

After enjoying the beach for a short while we went in search of a snack.  We found an ice cream stand and the kids had an ice cream bar while I had a burger (I didn't eat lunch with them earlier and had worked up an appetite.  After finishing our treat we set out to make it back home.

As it turns out, Zach was quite worn out.  He got quite frustrated with the difficulty on the trail and needed lots of encouragement, but we made it home.

I'm thinking it might be time to see if he can handle the bike without training wheels.  Hmmm...sounds like another adventure!