With that in mind, I'll share a moment from last night. She was asked to tidy her room before getting into bed. After a few minutes, she came excitedly running into the room announcing she had something for me. I must admit I expected a delay tactic. She then carefully hands me the slip of paper below.
I'm not sure what you are thinking right now, but I was thinking, "Oh, how nice, a scrap sheet of paper." I'm so glad I didn't reveal my thoughts and waited to see what she would say. She followed with, "It is a strip of friendship! With people around the world!" After thanking her, she gave me a hug and a kiss and flitted back out of the room as quickly as she breezed in. I just love that she sees value in everything.
Which leads me to the other thing she did that further illustrates how seriously she takes everything. She had a new friend come over to play yesterday. When it was time for her friend to leave, Clara came out to announce that she had given a few items away so that Olivia would remember her time spent here. I casually asked what the items were just to make sure she wasn't giving away something inappropriate. It turns out she gave her a little plastic stag beetle, to remember her meeting of Marty, Clara's beetle. I must admit I chuckled to myself and wondered if Olivia thought Clara was a bit batty. I mean, first Clara has a beetle and now she is sending her off like they'll never see each other again.
I wonder what dramatic revelation she'll share today! She definitely helps me see things in a fresh way.
kids are the best. Clara Grace seems like such a sweetie!
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