About Me

United States
We are a proud American family with our two kids and 11-year-old cat.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Happy Birthday Zach!

It is so hard to believe it has been a whole year since Zachary was born! We opted to celebrate today, the 28th, since Chuck had to work yesterday. As you can see, we definitely did things a bit more laid back with him compared to Clara Grace's first birthday. We just had a cake cooked and decorated by me (I'd like to say Clara Grace did it, but I'll have to take the credit lol) and opened gifts. My effort at decorating the cake. What a beauty, eh?
The birthday boy, being a bit of a grump.

cake, presents and cards

Clara Grace wearing the Japanese dress we picked up for her at the bazaar today.

Clara Grace helped Zach open his gifts. This was the one she picked out for him.

You can tell he can hardly wait to see what is inside.

Naturally, the first thing he must do is insert it into his mouth!

Once again, Clara Grace is helping him out.

I have to say, it was absolutely hilarious watching him discover cake. Here you can tell he has no idea what to think of it.

Now he is getting a taste of it. Hmmm...this tastes....pretty good.

I think I'll have a little more.

Now, it is on!

Any doubt he likes it?

I'll just pick up the whole piece!

Luckily, he ate so much of it that clean up was relatively easy other than wiping the hands and mouth.



Awww, he's so precious! Happy birthday Zach!


OMgosh TIff!!! He is getting so big and his eyes are gorgeous! Love love love the cake/huge smile pic. and CG's new dress is very pretty:)

Aunt Linda

Looks as if the cake made him a little sleepy. :-)
Aunt Linda