About Me

United States
We are a proud American family with our two kids and 11-year-old cat.

Sunday, February 24, 2013

1st Week of Latin

Clara started taking Latin and Spanish this week.  It was a rather disjoined week as Presidents' Day was Monday, plus we had other activities that disrupted the typical school week.  This means we did a little school work over the weekend, which is a huge benefit of homeschooling...we do not ever sacrifice lessons but rather reschedule them.  Anyway, Clara took her first Latin quiz today and I felt that she did really well considering it was her first test plus it was such a crazy week, which translates to me not doing the best job coordinating everything.  We didn't get to the quiz in Spanish, but I think she will do even better as she already has three school years exposure to Spanish.  Although she was not pleased that I was adding this to our curriculum, she seems to be enjoying it.