1. We've done quite a bit since Easter. I just cannot remember what it is.
2. Zach gets an average of 3 owie reports a week. The poor kid. Off the top of my head there have been lots of skinned knees, a scratched neck and a bleeding back of the head. That is just daycare. Just the other day Clara Grace and Zach were playing on our little fold up slide set when an accident happened where CG knocked the push popper back to Z that landed on his big toe...and OUCH. We were concerned that Z might lose the toenail, but I think it is going to be ok. Then, CG was getting out of the tub the other night and somehow she managed to cut her knee pretty good. No stitched needed, but I did have Charlie take a closer look just to be sure. She doesn't handle blood well, but we managed to keep her from seeing much.
I did the dunking booth at the recent PTO festival. Fun. But then I was plagued with a two week massive headache that actually caused me to seek medical help. I'm doing much better now.
The kids are doing great. CG and Z both amaze me. Z did recently had to go to the doctor and was diagnosed with another ear infection but it doing great with only three more days of meds left. CG is such a sweet girl.
There are only a few more weeks of school left! I am so excited to spend the summer with the kids and am planning to do some school work with CG to make sure she is completely ready for second grade. Z will still be going to daycare for a little bit each week to keep him somewhat on schedule.
Typhoon season has started, and rain usually means earaches for me, and I've not been disappointed this weekend. Luckily it isn't too bad, but man, ouch. Z is growing so quickly we had to buy him Japanese rain boots. They do not match his rain coat, but they are cute.
I'll have to look at the pictures taken to remember anything else at this point. Hopefully I'll get that done sometime soon.
Charlie and I rented/watched Tron Legacy last night. We loved it and are even thinking we will catch the original. I watched it when I was a kid, but it made no sense to me then. Maybe it will now!
I got a card from my niece Peyton...she is graduating HIGH SCHOOL! I cannot believe she is graduating. Good luck, Peyton and CONGRATULATIONS! Be watching the mail.